5 Tips For Improving Your Financial Advisor Client Service Model


Financial advisor service models are an essential part of any financial advisor business. To provide the best possible service to clients, it is essential for financial advisors to understand the different types of service models and how to improve them. 

This article will discuss client service models in depth and provide five tips for improving your financial advisor client service model.


What is a Client Service Model?

A client service model is a framework that financial advisors use to provide services to clients. For example, the financial advisor service model includes the financial advisor’s process for working with clients, the financial advisor’s fees, and the financial advisor’s policies and procedures.


Common Client Service Models for Financial Advisors

There are three common types of financial advisor service models: the fee-only model, the commission-based model, and the hybrid model.

  1. The fee-only model is when financial advisors charge clients a flat fee, an hourly rate, or a percentage of assets under management. Financial advisors who work under the fee-only model do not earn commissions from financial products.
  2. The commission-based model is when financial advisors earn commissions from financial products that they sell to clients. Financial advisors who work under the commission-based model may also charge clients fees.
  3. The hybrid model is a combination of the fee-only and commission-based models. Financial advisors who work under the hybrid model may charge clients fees and commissions from financial products.


5 Tips for Improving Your Client Service Model

Now that you know what a financial advisor service model is and the three common types of financial advisor service models, here are five tips for improving your financial advisor client service model:

1. Define your target market

The first step to improving your financial advisor service model is to define your target market. When you know your target market, you can tailor your services to meet their needs.

For example, if you want to target small business owners, you would design your financial advisor service model to include services that are relevant to small business owners. These services might consist of bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial planning.


2. Define your clients’ needs

The second step to improving your financial advisor service model is to define your clients’ needs. When you know what your clients need, you can design your services to meet those needs.

For example, if you know that your clients need help with financial planning, you would design your financial advisor service model to include financial planning services.


3. Define your financial advisor services

The third step to improving your financial advisor service model is to define your financial advisor services. When you know what financial advisor services you offer, you can design your financial advisor service model around those services.

For example, if you offer financial planning, investment management, and insurance services, you would design your financial advisor service model to include those services.


4. Choose a pricing model

The fourth step to improving your financial advisor service model is to choose a pricing model. As mentioned earlier, there are three standard pricing models for financial advisor services: the fee-only, commission-based, and hybrid.

You must choose a pricing model that aligns with your financial advisor services and your target market.


5. Determine Core Processes

The fifth and final step to improving your financial advisor service model. Your core processes are the financial advisor services you offer and the steps you take to deliver those services.

For example, if you offer financial planning services, your core process would be the financial planning process. This process would include assessing your financial situation, setting financial goals, and creating a financial plan.


Improve Your Service Model

Improving your financial advisor service model is a great way to provide better service to your clients and grow your financial advisory business. When you take the time to define your target market, your client’s needs, and your financial advisor services, you will be well on your way to improving your financial advisor service model.